Marine Rescue

Here you will find a list of marine rescue tools, gadgets and equipment.

You can download a copy of the Rievr and Marine Rescue Brochure from here, or you can scan the QrCode to see the list of all the products we offer.
Marine Rescue Brochure Front
Marine Rescue Brochure Back

Rescue Boats

Boat 6m
Boat 7m
Boat 10m

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Rescue Boats
Outboard machines


25 hp
115 hp

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Life Jacket

5 Safety Jacket SJ71
6 Safety Jacket SJ72
7 Reflecting Belt Elastic

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Life Jacket

Diving Gear

45-113 Diving set
63 Fifth Element Mesh Bag 99.6 L
72 Seac Standard Hood 3 MM L
73 Seac Standard Hood 3 MM XL
85 Mares Regulator Rover 2S DC Pack
86 Mares Regulator Octopus Rover DC Pack
87 Fifth Element Standard Combo 2 SPG Bar + MDI MT

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Diving Suite
Underwater objects detector

Scanners & Detector

Underwater objects detector
Ultra sound search device

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